Democratic senator: suspend votes on health care until Brown is seated

Sen. James Webb (D., Va) released this statement tonight:

In many ways the campaign in Massachusetts became a referendum not only on health care reform but also on the openness and integrity of our government process. It is vital that we restore the respect of the American people in our system of government and in our leaders. To that end, I believe it would only be fair and prudent that we suspend further votes on health care legislation until Senator-elect Brown is seated.

Meaning, as Ben Smith points out at Politico, that any sneaky Dem idea of delaying Brown’s certification is out the window.

But Webb also has a deeper message. He’s saying that Obama and the Democratic Party must drop their crazed attitude of being ready to crawl over broken glass, of being willing to do ANYTHING, to pass a health care bill, no matter how objectionable and harmful it is, no matter how offensive and frightening to the American people. He’s calling on the Democrats to stop behaving like the tyrant described in Book IX of Plato’s Republic, the man who lives as if in a dream state where all his desires can be fulfilled, who accepts no limit on his desires, and return to a rational human state under the law.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 19, 2010 10:21 PM | Send

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