It looks like a substantial Brown victory

Drudge has figures of 680,000 for Brown to 596,000 for Coakley, though he doesn’t provide a source. I’ve heard that Frank Luntz has called it for Brown.

As I was looking at Drudge, the site updated. Now it says 705,000 Brown, 621,000 Coakley.

I guess Drudge is writing down what he’s hearing on cable TV, because a minute later he updated it again, to 750,000 Brown, 661,000 Coakley.

Obama went to Virginia to campaign for the Dem; the Republican won. Obama went to New Jersey to campaign for the Dem; the Republican won. Obama went to Massachusetts to campaign for the Dem; and it looks as though the Republican has won. When will Dems get it and stop asking The One to campaign for them?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 19, 2010 09:07 PM | Send

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