Brown on Youtube

I hadn’t seen Scott Brown until tonight when I watched some YouTubes. He’s a together guy, carries himself like an athlete, he’s smart, at ease, a winner. Also, for the Palin fans, he’s a family man and seems like a real person. So, if being real is the main qualification for national leadership, as the Palin supporters believe, how about someone who is real but also smart?

Brown visiting a medical corporation, answering questions.

Brown answering question from Gerta van Susteren on whether they Democrats can stop him from being sworn in if he wins.

Brown TV ad, with his truck.

Merry Christmas from Brown and his teenaged daughters.

Also, for some equal time, here is Martha Coakley speaking at a rally.

- end of initial entry -

Ben W. writes:

Has anyone considered the fact that Scott Brown is leading because he is a refreshing change? I for one am happy to see an honest-to-goodness white male, good looking and healthy, running for office. I am sick and tired of seeing women, ex-civil rights cronies, pale skinned blacks, gay transgendered creeps, etc. and any other “entitled” social “types” getting government roles. So nice to see a white male who looks and acts like a white male doing it.

M. Jose writes:

On the subject of Scott Brown, did you hear about his centerfold in the June 1982 Cosmopolitan?

LA replies:

Another parallel between him and Palin. She was a beauty contestant at 18, and he was a (virtually nude) centerfold at 23, prior to their both marrying and raising families. Not only that, but her beauty queen career and his nude photo were in the same year.

Paul K. writes:

Regarding Brown and the nude centerfold, I recall Democrats trying to get some mileage out of nude photographs of Arnold Schwarzenegger during his first campaign, including some by controversial photographer Robert Mapplethorpe. It didn’t seem to make any difference.

N. writes:

Assuming that Scott Brown is elected to the Senate from Mass., his elected office history/credentials/resume would be:

State Senator
Two years as U.S. Senator

Isn’t that the new standard for President?

LA replies:

Which is similar to:

Two years as Governor

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 19, 2010 01:56 AM | Send

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