What’s the opposite of a hate crime?

Donald W. writes:

I have been wondering about something for a long time. What is the opposite of a hate crime? Is it a love crime?

LA replies:

Since “hate crime” is an ideological construct that perverts the very notion of crime, the true opposite of the false concept of hate crime would be: crime.

- end of initial entry -

James P. writes:

If a hate crime occurs when a white man attacks a member of a protected group, then the opposite of a hate crime is when a member of a protected group attacks a white man. All too often this is considered neither a hateful act nor a crime, and is certainly considered generally unworthy of media attention. Isn’t this non-event what the media usually calls a “random act”? Thus, a good working definition is that the opposite of a “hate crime” is a “random act”.

LA replies:


The difference between James’s and my answers is interesting. James’s opposite of a hate crime is in accordance with the liberal definition of a hate crime. My opposite of a hate crime is outside of the liberal definition of a hate crime. He is applying the liberal logic consistently and showing its true meaning. I’m rejecting the liberal logic.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 22, 2009 05:34 PM | Send

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