Another milestone for President Obama

This has been all over the Internet for weeks, but it’s a good one:

Obama Wins 2010 Boston Marathon

BOSTON—President Barack Obama won the 2010 Boston Marathon on Friday in a stunning decision designed to encourage him to quit smoking and keep running to stay in shape. The Boston Athletic Association announced their decision to name Obama the winner even though the race will not be run until 18 April 2010 because the president has the desire to win and has good intentions.

In announcing Obama the winner the president of the BAA said, “We must rise above the out dated measurements of what a person actually has accomplished and focus instead on their intentions and what they say they will do. Intentions and talk are what drive the world.” Congressman Barney Frank and Chinese Vice President XI Jinping seated nearby reiterated these words.

The BAA also noted that no president has won the marathon before. This would set a good example for all future presidents of the United States and for other countries such as Iran and North Korea that intentions really matter.

Many observers were shocked by the unexpected decision before the race has even been run. However, when told of his win the President said he had really been thinking a lot about keeping in shape, talked with staff about cutting back on his smoking, and even read an article about the Boston Marathon.

Obama added that wining the Boston Marathon was better than any other award he has received including his Nobel Prize, Tony for best performance by leading actor, Emmy for outstanding lead actor in drama series, Golden Globe for best performance of an actor in a comedy, NASCAR Champion, World Series Most Valuable Player, Best Twitter Page, and Teleprompters of America Best Reader.

- end of initial entry -

November 2

Kristor writes:

All those honors are pretty good, but I still think the best one by far is Obama having been named Motor Trend Car of the Year.

LA replies:

I don’t get it.

Kristor replies:

I was listening to a couple morning drive time radio jocks on a local conservative station shortly after Obama’s Nobel was announced, and they were riffing on all the other honors that might with equal justification be bestowed on the One. They were on a roll—you know how it is, when you are talking with a friend and a whole string of jokes, each building on the last, comes pouring out of the two of you in rapid succession. It is one of the most pleasant ways to be human together. Anyway, this was one of the most scintillating series of jokes I had ever heard, the two radio jocks were absolutely weeping with laughter, and so was I as I listened. The string of awards continued, each more absurdly inapplicable than the last, until they departed altogether from the realm of honors that are awarded to humans. You know, a JD Power award, a 100 Best Places to Live award, and so forth. The capper, which so paralyzed them both that they could not continue speaking, was Obama winning the Motor Trend Car of the Year award.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 01, 2009 03:41 PM | Send

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