Wilders in New York

Geert Wilders gave an excellent speech at the Harvard Club in Manhattan today. While saying that he has nothing against Muslims as people, he made it crystal clear that the more Muslims there are in a Western country, the more sharia there will be, and the more virulent the Muslim campaign to overturn Western government and freedom will be. He said all Muslim mass immigration should stop, and that any Muslim who supports sharia should be made to leave “today.”

At this stage, nothing more could be asked of a politician on this issue. Wilders is in a class by himself—unfortunately. As before, we have the oddity that American conservatives such as David Horowitz (who was at the luncheon and whose organization was one of the sponsors) strongly support Wilders, yet do not take his positions on Muslim immigration. Perhaps they justify this to themselves by saying that the Muslim problem exists in Europe, not here.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 21, 2009 04:47 PM | Send

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