There was something rotten in Denmark—and now it’s back in America

I heard that the lovely and charming Michelle’s sales pitch to the Olympics committee in Copenhagen was unbelievable—containing, among other things, the subtext that Chicago’s blacks need the Olympics to help lift them from the hopelessness imposed on them by a racist society—a theme never far from Michelle’s thoughts, even when she is discussing things that have nothing to do with race. Just as her hubby has not graduated from the sloganeering candidate stage to the presidential stage, she has not graduated from the angry and entitled black female stage to the First Lady of America stage—and the signs are she never will, except through occasional, orchestrated, transparent pretence.

Here is the YouTube.

Larry T., who sent the YouTube, writes:

What is most troubling to me is that she may actually believe the grievance-based crap she is spouting. Before, I thought this Jessie Jackson stuff was just schtick. It must have been a shock to her and her husband that the nonsense that has worked so well here was greeted with derision in Europe. It’s too bad she wasn’t hit in face with a pie when she was making her speech.

Jim C. writes:

Her speech in Copenhagen was dumber than her Princeton thesis: she based most of her argument on herself and her father—the stupidity of these people will go down in history

This is the end of the line for affirmative action.

The Obamas’ stupidity should be emphasized, not their old-fashioned antiwhite bigotry.

Jim C. writes:

Michelle—“and to give us hope; and to change lives all over the world.” [LA replies: The olympics will give people hope who currently lack it? Having the Olympics in Chicago (as distinct from Rio or someplace else) will change lives all over the world”? This is beyond stupidity. It’s dribbling idiocy. Sort of on the same level as Obama saying that passing Obamacare will fix the economy.]

“And I’ve brought somebody with me today who knows a little something about change. My husband, the President of the United States—Barack Obama. “(Applause.)

I don’t think “hope” and “change” worked too well with the IOC.

Good for America that we lost out to Rio. We can’t afford the price tag for the Olympics.

LA replies:

“… and to give us hope; and to change lives all over the world.”

Having the Olympics in Chicago will give hope to people who currently lack it? Having the Olympics in Chicago (as distinct from Rio or someplace else) will change lives all over the world”? This is beyond stupidity. It’s dribbling idiocy. But, since we’re dumping on Michelle here, it’s really no more idiotic than Obama’s saying that passing Obamacare will fix the economy.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 03, 2009 01:24 PM | Send

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