Pipes on Obama on Israel

As Daniel Pipes sees it, Obama’s remarks about Israel in his UN speech last week have the exact opposite significance from what I thought they had. Pipes says that Obama has given up pushing Israel to cease the building of settlements and that his statement that the U.S. rejects the legitimacy of “continued settlements”—a phrase I interpreted as meaning that all existing settlements are illegitimate—was nothing more than boilerplate. Boilerplate? I never heard a U.S. president say what Obama said, so I don’t know what Pipes is talking about. However, it does seem to be the case that Obama has given up pushing Israel to stop the expansion of settlements.

So, what sense can we make of this, how do we reconcile these various statements of Obama’s? Or are his statements so detached from reality that we should stop taking seriously anything he says?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 30, 2009 02:37 PM | Send

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