A request from a reader

A reader in Australia is looking for a copy of the July 2001 issue of Chronicles. If anyone has that issue and would be willing to give it away or sell it, please let me know. Thank you.

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Philip writes from England:

“A reader in Australia is looking for a copy of the July 2001 issue of Chronicles….”

I didn’t know you did requests. In that case, can you ask if anyone has got a spare radio going cheap? Mine keeps spewing out Marxist propaganda, wherever I turn the dial. Oh, and if anyone’s passing the all-night garage, if they could pick me up a packet of Marlboros and a pasty too.

LA replies:

Ha ha .That’s what I get for trying to help a reader out. He was trying to put together an entire set of the magazine as a gift, and that one issue was not available, and he asked me if I had it or knew where he could find it.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 11, 2009 01:30 AM | Send

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