Who comes, and doesn’t come, to the healthcare townhalls

VFR correspondent Marco Jawsario has filed the following report:

Republican Congressman Rob Wittman held a town hall meeting this evening in Fredericksburg, Virginia, on the campus of Mary Washington College. I, Marco Jawsario, was in attendance with the lovely Senora Jawsario at my side. The auditorium was filled to two-thirds capacity, with about 500 people in attendance. The traditionalists outnumbered the lefties by a factor of four to one, and speakers against health care reform reflected the overall mood of the audience.

Two things struck me. First, there were no more than five blacks in the auditorium, and there were hardly any students at all—perhaps no more than 20 or 30. Think about that por un momentito, mis amigos. Obama’s most strident companeros, blacks and young people, were not there, despite Fredericksburg having a large black population and this event taking place on a college campus where classes are in session. This clearly shows that the lefties are not so riled up about this issue as one would think. On the other hand, the right has the passion and El Momentumo Grande. The lone black speaker, a female, made a complete fool of herself. She used the same old worn-out, senseless leftist rhetoric about all the good done by the federal government, and when the crowd started to jeer her, she reminded us that Obama had won with 53 percent and we “should best get in line.” Whoa! I think the last time so many white people jeered a black pesron like that was when Jack Johnson knocked out Jess Willard in 1908. As I told Lady Jawsario, “Ignorance combined with vanity produces all sorts of misfortune and mischief.”

In the past, I have tried to launch several crusades to galvanize the right. Some actually worked, but they were all a struggle. This is one case where the traditionalist right is self-galvanizing—and it is a grand spectacle to behold.

—end of initial entry—

David B. writes:

The poster writes, “Whoa! I think the last time so many white people jeered a black person like that was when Jack Johnson knocked out Jess Willard in 1908.”

Jack Johnson stopped Tommy Burns to win the heavyweight title in 1908. Johnson was knocked out by Jess Willard in 1915 to lose the title.

Marco Jawsario replies:

Sorry about the historical error with the boxing. It did not, however, detract from the main point of whites jeering blacks. In fact, the black woman’s “We won, so you get in line” comment caused the loudest uproar of the evening. What I absolutely love about the current political climate is that it forces blacks, Obama’s most fervent supporters, into the political limelight, and in doing so, exposing themselves as the ignoramuses that so many of them are. Exhibit A, of course, is your nincompoop governor blaming his race for his wonderfully low approval ratings. There are only 52 cards in the deck, and I believe they have used up all of their race cards.

Tomorrow, Senator Warner will be holding a town hall meeting only a few miles away from last night’s event. Senora Jawsario and I plan on attending that one too. Then, it’s on to DC for the Big March on Washington September 12th. Jawsarios haven’t had this much fun since they helped to overthrow Allende. (Fiction, of course)

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 02, 2009 08:48 AM | Send

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