LA, a member of the establishment

In one of the oddest twists yet in the complicated debate on Game, a commenter at Mark Richardson’s Oz Conservative identified me as an establishment figure and blamed me for the problems facing today’s younger men. Here is the reply I posted there:

Lawrence Auster said…

Mr. Richardson,

You commenter writes:

“Whilst we may conclude that it is very nice, indeed, that Lawrence takes an interest in modern manliness sieved through a prism of Game, it needs to be pointed out, and no doubt many wandering will agree, that as far as leading us to the chosen land he’s no Moses, nor even an attendant Lord, not even one to set the scene. Perhaps he’s more Wormtongue in his attendance at the site of this crime.”

What? What is he talking about? Who does this guy think I am? A cultural setter of fashions for the last 20 years? By what logic did your loony tunes commenter arrive at this?

I think his thought process must have gone something like this:

(1) Auster speaks on behalf of traditional conservatism (the traditional conservatism that the conservative movement has abandoned to the extent it ever held to it at all).

(2) Since Auster is an upholder of the old ways, he is a representative of the establishment.

(3) As a representative of the establishment, Auster is responsible for [fill in the blank] feminism, sexual liberation, and the weakening of men.

Thus, because I speak of defending and restoring our civilization (which actually makes me a total outsider from the liberal and conservative establishment), the fact that I have been a total outsider from the liberal and conservative establishment during the 20 years of my writing career gets changed into me being a voice of the establishment—and therefore responsible for the ills of modern society.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 30, 2009 04:54 PM | Send

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