How can Game change society, if its success depends on people not knowing about it?

Clark Coleman has added another telling argument against Roissyism. If anti-Roissyism had the same truth status as the Darwinian theory of evolution, and if I were to anti-Roissyism what Richard Dawkins is to Darwinism, I would be saying,

Anti-Roissyism is a fact. Beyond reasonable doubt, beyond serious doubt, beyond sane, informed, intelligent doubt, beyond doubt anti-Roissyism is a fact. The evidence for anti-Roissyism is at least as strong as the evidence for the Holocaust, even allowing for eye witnesses to the Holocaust…. Anti-Roissyism is a theory in the same sense as the heliocentric theory.

But I won’t say that. I’ll just say that the claims of Roissyism to be a program for the betterment of individuals and society have been effectively refuted in my opinion.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 26, 2009 11:26 PM | Send

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