Do you want your 105 IQ sunny side up, over, or with a twist?

Dartmouth College has appointed as its Dean a specialist in cultural competence and diversity training named Sylvia Spears whose tribal name is Wild Dancer. This is from her bio at the University of Rhode Island’s Multicultural Center:

After working at Bryant University, she served as affirmative action officer from 1998-2000. She completed her Ph.D degree at URI in Human Science and Services during 2006. She now teaches movement and voices at the Campus. She has also written plays for inner-city theatre groups.

Spears is an experienced trainer and presenter, specializing in cultural competence and diversity training. She has served as Assistant Director of Multicultural Students Services and Affirmative Action Officer. At present she is on the faculty in the URI Department of Human Development and Family Studies. Sylvia Spears is a certified facilitator for the Franklin-Covey Leadership Studies.

Currently, Spears heads Dartmouth’s Office of Pluralism and Leadership.

The title of this entry comes from reader Jim C. who sent me the item.

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Sebastian writes:

I saw your post on Sylvia. Check out the Rhode Island University page for their Multicultural Center. Each aggrieved party is represented, including Christaine Amanpour as an “Asian American”—how British!—and Sylvia as a Native American. There’s even a chair for Disabled. Jewish Americans are also included, but at the very end. South Park can’t keep up with this.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 25, 2009 01:17 PM | Send

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