Researchers blame children’s films for perpetuating heteronormativity

You tell me how your typical right-liberal or mainstream conservative—who believes only in the truth of universal equal rights, and not in the truth of any particular human substance—can effectively oppose something like this.

Team of Researchers Blames Children’s Films for Perpetuating “Heteronormativity”

ANN ARBOR, Michigan, June 24, 2009 (—Researchers at the University of Michigan have concluded that the love stories told in classic Disney and other G-rated children’s films—such as the Little Mermaid—are partially to blame for the pervasiveness of what they label “heteronormativity.”

“Despite the assumption that children’s media are free of sexual content [translation: not assuming the heterosexual norm], our analyses suggest that these media depict a rich and pervasive heterosexual landscape,” wrote researchers Emily Kazyak and Karin Martin, in a report published in the latest issue of the Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS) publication Gender & Society.

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August 13

Jeanette R. writes:

Look what passes at higher education these days. See the CV’s of these two woman who wrote the study. Pretty revealing.

Emily Kazyak and Karin Martin

LA replies:

First, I’m struck by the photo of Kazyak. Contemporary white people look idiotic in a way never seen before.

Second, I’ve copied this from Karin Martin’s page:

A description of my research interests:

My sociological work concerns the interplay of bodies, sexuality, and gender, and I am interested in exploring these intersections within everyday life. My research has examined gender differences in pubertal experience and first sex; how kids’ bodies are gendered in preschool; how gender identity serves as a form of social control during labor and childbirth; how college women (sorority women, athletes, and feminists) construct appearance routine; and how gender and sexuality are entangled in the advice experts give to parents gender-neutral child rearing. Currently, I am working on a project examining the (hetero)sexual socialization of very young children by parents and through media.

Last week I wrote about Timesian Susan Dominus’s remarks about the Taconic crash:

Such pitiful mushiness, such a personalist approach to news and public events, is inevitable in a society in which the female consciousness has been liberated and empowered to spin off on its own, unconnected with and uninfluenced by the male consciousness.

How much truer is that observation when it comes to a homosexual egalitarian lunatic like Karin Martin.

Hannon writes:

Regarding Karin Martin’s page: do we have to go this far off the map to realize that advanced academia, at least in the “soft” sciences, has gone berserk? Do administrators really look at these fields of study and shout “That’s the stuff!” ? I read her “research interests” several times and must confess that not one sentence struck me as coherent or sensible, or even intelligible really.

Aside from a few non-profit institutions dedicated to such obscene rubbish, teaching must be the only viable employment option for women like these. Is there such a thing as post graduate home-schooling?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 12, 2009 01:15 PM | Send

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