The expanding grip of anti-racism

In the entry on the latest machete attack by blacks on naive and defenseless British vacationers in the Caribbean, a reader has troubling information about white attitudes regarding race and crime. He reports that even non-liberals of his acquaintance tell him that they would not feel any particular sense of caution, let alone alarm, if they found themselves in the primal situation of Sherman McCoy in The Bonfire of the Vanities, and a black man approached them at night on a deserted street in the South Bronx and asked them if they wanted “help.” In my reply, I offer an explanation for this denial of reality. As the statements by and news coverage about Gatesgate 911 caller Lucia Whalen indicate, the definition of racism has been implicitly but massively expanded to include accurately reporting the race of black perpetrators to police. If society prohibits you even to tell police the race of a black suspect, how can you possible allow yourself to think that a black person may be personally dangerous to yourself?

Thus, even as the antiwhites have suffered a set-back in Gatesgate, they have won a victory as well.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 04, 2009 09:13 PM | Send

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