No second thoughts

Sage McLaughlin writes:

You know, even as I watch Obama wreck our alliance with Britain, run our economy into the ground, abase himself before Muslims, insult our honor and sit silently while my race is denigrated by a foreign despot, not once in the last six months have I wished that McCain was our president or regretted my choice to sit out the presidential election last year and withhold my vote from McCain. I don’t know quite what that says about me, but given that I’ve been a Republican my entire life, it seems extraordinary.

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QR writes:

I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this way. Until this past election, I have always voted a straight Republican ticket. I was stunned when my fellow Republicans supported McCain/Palin so staunchly, and remain nonplused at the continued support for Sarah Palin. Previous Republican politicians weren’t perfect, but most of them seemed far better qualified than McCain or Palin. I keep wondering, did the GOP really go sharply downhill, or is it just me?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 08, 2009 07:55 PM | Send

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