Independence Day

Jack writes:

Happy Independence Day.

The Last one?

Anna writes:

Back from the BBQ and skipping the local fireworks, did not see a topic to sneak in a belated Happy 4th comment, so doing it here.

May the legacy of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution be celebrated and practiced for a myriad of generations to come.

Hope your Holiday was wonderful.

LA replies:

Thank you. My Fourth included eating the biggest BBQ hamburger I’ve ever had (and will ever have), seeing an amazingly innovative fireworks display over the Hudson River, reading aloud the Declaration of Independence (which I do every Fourth, wherever I am and whoever I’m with), and seeing some of the movie version of the musical comedy, 1776, which delightfully combines serious and comic elements, treating the Founders comically without denigrating them.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 05, 2009 01:18 AM | Send

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