An escape from the present

Ben W. writes:

I saw last week a film with Cary Grant and Ginger Rogers. She remained fully dressed in the movie—not once was there a peek at her legs or breasts. She was immaculately dressed. And she looked like a charm! What a sweet face. God, I’m sick of seeing Ann Coulter’s puny shrunken breasts exposed and thin giraffe legs. She doesn’t have the body though she likes exposing it. Ginger Rogers fully clothed was a revelation.

LA replies:

I think Ben is talking about the charming 1952 Howard Hawks movie Monkey Business, also with Marilyn Monroe in a stand-out supporting role.

Ben W. writes:

Since you mention the film “A Few Good Men,” last week I happened to see the 1953 version of the “Titanic.” What is the comparison between that version and James Cameron’s recent version? The 1953 movie is Christian in its world-view, the 1997 version is Marxist plain and simple.

The earlier version shows people of all classes (from all decks) being helped for rescue. The 1997 version shows the bottom decks (the lower classes) being locked by the ship’s crew from rescue.

De Caprio wants to go to bed with the heroine, Robert Wagner wants to dance with her. The hero (Clifton Webb) accepts his manliness and helps in the rescue, finally joining the chorus heartily singing “Nearer My God to Thee.” The male heroes in Cameron’s cast all try to get away and sneak onto the rescue rafts (I guess they fear death and an encounter with the maker they don’t believe exists).

The 1953 version is a well written film, the 1997 one is a Marxist gimmick and gadget showcase. Of course Cameron is the fool who claimed on the disgustingly liberal National Geographic channel that the bones of Jesus Christ had been found.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 21, 2009 03:55 PM | Send

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