Jewish self-improvement

Here’s another good Jewish joke from the Zen Jewish humor website:

Yeshiva University’s new rowing team was the embarrassment of the entire sports department (which wasn’t so hot to begin with!). They not only finish dead last in every competition, but consistently cross the finish line many minutes, even hours, after their opponents. Finally, they send Goldfarb to spy on the top-rated Harvard crew team, in the hopes of gaining some helpful insight. Lurking in the Cambridge boathouse, he watches the team practice in the Charles River. For an entire week he observes their methods.

Finally, he returns to New York, where his teammates gather anxiously to hear his information.

“I figured out their secret!” he tells them excitedly.

“Nu!? Tell us! Tell us!” demand his teammates, impatiently.

“They have eight guys rowing,” he pronounces authoritively, “and only ONE guy yelling!!”

- end of initial entry -

June 20

Dimitri K. writes:

That was a brilliant joke. There is an old Russian joke similar to that:

“Hey guys, tomorrow we are going to beat Jews and bicyclists”!

“Fine with us, but why bicyclists”?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 18, 2009 01:38 PM | Send

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