Bill proposes immigration rights for homosexual couples

Reports the New York Times: “Sen. Patrick Leahy has offered a bill that would allow American citizens and legal immigrants to seek residency in the United States for their same-sex partners.”

And why not? Once equality of freedom, achieved through the elimination of all discrimination, has become a society’s moral guide, progress for that society consists in simply applying the non-discriminatory principle more and more comprehensively to more and more areas of life, and any opposition to such progress appears as simply irrational.

Accordingly, along with everything else, our notion of the meaning and purpose of U.S. immigration policy has radically changed. “I do not wish that any man should acquire the privilege of citizenship, but such as would be a real addition to the wealth or strength of the United States,” said James Madison. By contrast, Meghan McCain and Sen. Leahy do not wish that any person should acquire the privilege of citizenship, but such as would add to the non-discriminatory equality of freedom enjoyed by all persons in the United States and the whole world.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 03, 2009 05:36 AM | Send

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