Four blacks arrested in terrorism plot

Four men, evidently all them black and Muslim, have been arrested for planning to destroy a Jewish synagogue and Jewish community center in the Riverdale section of the Bronx by setting off C-4 plastic explosive in a car. The group, which had been penetrated by undercover police officers, were arrested after placing dummy explosives—which the terrorists thought were real explosives—in a car outside the temple. They were also planning to shoot down U.S. military planes using surface to air missiles.

In the usual clueless, soulless, liberal way, Mayor Bloomberg has described the planned mass murder as “this latest attempt to attack our freedoms.” No, this wasn’t an attempt to attack our freedoms. It was an attempt to kill people. For liberals, what is real about us as human beings is not that we concretely exist as human beings, but that we have rights.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 21, 2009 06:52 AM | Send

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