Senate Dems balking at insanity and irresponsibility of Obama’s closing of Guantanamo

This was reported in today’s New York Times:

Democratic leaders of the Senate are refusing to pay for closing the detention center until the White House explains what it will do with the inmates.

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Evan H. writes:

The New York Times article you linked starts with “Moving to avoid a bitter partisan feud, Senate Democratic leaders have decided to remove from a war spending bill…” It seems like they are trying to “blame” this development on the Republicans, even though the Democrats have 59 seats in the Senate and will probably get a 60th. Admittedly, however, I don’t know much about the procedural rules of spending bills. Perhaps you or one of your readers who is more familiar with the intricacies of the U.S. legislative system could explain how a “bitter partisan feud” over this matter would have played out? For the sake of argument let’s assume that every Senate Republican is opposed to closing the Guantánamo prison.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 19, 2009 07:18 PM | Send

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