Earth to humans: utopia doesn’t exist … or does it?

Steve Sailer comments on the recent New York Times article reporting that the racial gap in test stores has not been closed by the No Child Left Behind law, a utopian name that should discredit its authors and supporters as completely as the title of the book, An End to Evil, discredits its authors.

I read the article when it came out. Though I usually eagerly comment on the pieces that appear regularly in the Times bemoaning the still unclosed racial gap in academic achievement, as I’m fascinated by the ever-new excuses and evasions they come up with, I haven’t done so in this instance, because I found this article poorly and confusedly written. From one paragraph to the next, the author, Sam Dillon, kept discussing the data and the issues in incommensurable terms, and I couldn’t get any sense out of what he was saying.

Anyway, the point of Sailer’s blog entry is to criticize the handwringing liberal William Saletan of Slate for his unwillingness to cope with the race issue. Saletan even complains, “Why categorize and measure students by race?” Sailer helpfully points out that closing the racial gap in academic achievement just happens to be the main stated purpose of NCLB, a fact of which poor Saletan didn’t seem to be aware.

* * *

In any case, NCLB does not matter, because, as I’ve just realized, the racial gap in intellectual abilities between blacks and whites has already been closed, as least as far as white liberals are concerned.

Allow me to explain. At the 1994 American Renaissance conference, speaker Eugene Valberg, an American long resident in Africa, told how when he was staying in a hospital in Africa, the volume in the TV set in his ward would either be all the way up to the point of being unbearably loud, or all the way off, and as soon as it was turned off someone would turn it all the way back on again. So to get around this problem he would ask people to turn the TV volume somewhat down, not off. But instead of turning it somewhat down, they would turn it off. And then someone else would immediately turn it all the way back up to the highest volume again. Valberg’s point was that Africans seemed to have no concept of gradations, of moderation, of an in-between, which, he said, was indicative of a significant deficit in intelligence.

In fact, the very same is true of whites, or at least of white liberals—who today constitute most of the white race. What do I mean by this? Well, for whites, when it comes to race, either you believe in total, self-sacrificial assistance to and openness to nonwhites, including the unlimited immigration (legal or illegal) of Third-World peoples into the West, which must lead to the disappearance of the white societies over the next hundred years, OR you’re an evil racist. There’s no in-between position.

So we can happily forget about NCLB. The racial gap in intelligence has been successfully closed, not by endless special efforts to increase black intelligence, but by turning the white race into liberals, which has radically reduced their intelligence and thus eliminated the racial gap.

I apologize for saying earlier that racial equality is a utopian project.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 01, 2009 05:18 PM | Send

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