The left is discredited, long live the left!

Fifty-nine years after Alger Hiss was convicted for perjury in denying that he was a Communist spy, and over ten years after the release of the Venona files proved conclusively that he was a Communist spy, the left no longer denies that he was a Communist spy, no longer alleges that he was the innocent victim of a vast right-wing conspiracy. But, instead of admitting that they were wrong for all those years, liberals still find a way to blame conservatives. The true significance of the Hiss case, writes Susan Jacoby in a new book, is that it enables conservatives unfairly to portray liberals as people who, uh, cover up for Communist spies.

The ever-evolving but ever-the-same liberal line is discussed by Carol Iannone at the website of the National Association of Scholars.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 27, 2009 02:08 PM | Send

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