What the Tea Parties are protesting, and what they are seeking

Peter Ferrara writing at The American Spectator gives an understandable overview of the impact of Obama’s budget on spending, taxes, and deficits, and also lays out various approaches to what is needed: a U-turn away from Obama’s ruinous policies. Let us not forget Diana West’s view that Obama’s policies are deliberately ruinous, aimed at wrecking the American economy so that a complete government takeover will seem like the only recourse.

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Gintas writes:

It’s too much tax wonkery. Let’s tweak this tax, that tax rate, etc. Let’s optimize the flow of revenues and distributions so we can grow the GDP year-on-year… The giveaway is the presence of Newt Gingrich, who specializes in that kind of thing, and who is always ready to jump in front of a parade in the hopes that people will follow his “leadership.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 15, 2009 06:38 PM | Send

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