Brazilian president seeks to “criminalize homophobia”

Last June, Brazilian president Lula da Silva (the same who pointed at his guest Gordon Brown and charged that “white, blue-eyed” leaders were responsible for the economic crisis) declared that opposition to homosexuality is “perhaps the most perverse disease impregnated in the human head,” and urged the “criminalization of homophobia.” Under his leadership Brazil has also launched a “Brazil Without Homophobia” campaign.

We on the right often talk about the anti-white, anti-traditional values left, but I’ve never seen anyone combine the two like Lula. Here is the story from WorldNetDaily.

‘Opposing homosexuality makes you sick’
Brazil president holds conference to battle ‘homophobia’
June 12, 2008
By Christina Miller
2009 WorldNetDaily

The president of Brazil says “opposing” homosexuality makes you a sick person, and he believes such thoughts need to be criminalized.

It was only a few decades ago when the American Psychiatric Association listed homosexuality as a mental disorder, before it succumbed to a pro-“gay” campaign to discontinue that definition.

Now Brazilian chief Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who won a narrow re-election following a cash-for-votes scandals, has held the First National Conference of Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, Transvestites and Transsexuals to condemn the biblical belief that homosexuality is wrong.

Lula, on June 5, not only officially opened the event to promote homosexuality across his nation but also issued a presidential sanction for the conference.

Calling for “the criminalization of homophobia,” he said opposition to homosexuality is “perhaps the most perverse disease impregnated in the human head.”

He said “prejudiced” people need to “open their minds and clean them.” Other speakers encouraged homosexuals to claim to be part of a civil rights campaign that already has brought reforms for treatment of blacks, the elderly and the disabled. They also announced the nation’s public hospitals soon would begin to perform sex changes on people.

Brazilian pro-family activist Julio Severo, in an e-mail interview, said the move towards the standards of Sodom and Gomorrah is more advanced in his nation than in the U.S.—for now—because of the absence of Christian fundamentals for society.

“[Christians] involved [in politics] are massively directed by leftist philosophies, especially liberation theology in its several forms,” he said.

“Those not involved think that the only option for social action is to copy the political activism of Christian left-wingers,” he said.

Severo said what needs to happen is for Christian churches to renounce socialism en masse and get involved in politics, using biblical guidelines as their standards.

“They need to prepare and send ‘Josephs,’ ‘Davids’ and ‘Daniels’ to conquer public office,” he said.

Severo said the homosexual community, unlike many advocacy groups’ claims in the past, clearly isn’t satisfied with “widespread acceptance” of its sexual lifestyle. That dissatisfaction is leading to demands for approval and endorsement, and to eradicate “homophobia” and “homophobic” thoughts by law.

The Lula administration has taken bold steps to this end, he said. The Special Secretariat of Human Rights, in conjunction with other government departments, has launched the “Brasil sem Homofobia (Brazil Without Homophobia)” campaign, he noted.

This program markets itself as one designed to promote greater understanding of homosexuality in Brazil. However, its actions have been far from peaceful. In May, one of its founding members, Luiz Mott, filed charges of defamation against pro-family activists and posted their home addresses to the Internet.

For now, conservatives have a right to free speech, Christian leaders have reported. However, if homosexual advocacy becomes law, it will be classified as part of the “dignity of the person” and, therefore, will trump any speech rights still held by Christians.

Severo admits he has big concerns about the developments he sees.

“Only God knows what the future will bring,” he said.

- end of initial entry -

Jeannette R., who sent the WND article, writes:

I used to be relatively neutral about homosexuality. (My best friend in high school was homosexual.) As a nurse I saw many of my co-workers die of AIDS. I have become more militant as I’ve seen the change that “gay rights” has caused to our culture. Homosexuals bring a whole perverse mindset with them as well.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 14, 2009 09:35 PM | Send

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