In Vermont, the people have spoken

In Vermont, the state legislature, overriding the governor’s veto, has created the institution of homosexual “marriage,” the first time this has been done in the U.S. by legislative statute, rather than by a court’s interpretation.

This is a dark day. I’m reminded of A prayer for our country which I wrote when same-sex “marriage” was created for the first time in the United States, by the Massachusetts Supreme Court.

The institutionalization of same-sex marriage by proper legislative means, rather than by outrageously improper judicial fiat, as happened in Massachusetts, California, and Iowa, shows how shallow is the conservative position that this menace is just a matter of incorrect judicial procedures, and can be stopped by barring incorrect judicial procedures. No. In at least one liberal state now, the people, speaking through their representatives, have legalized same-sex “marriage,” which as it is approved in a few other hyper liberal states will create momentum for the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, so that all states will have to recognize the same-sex marriages performed in other states. Therefore, as I’ve been saying for many years, the ONLY way to prevent same-sex marriage from spreading through the entire U.S. is to bar same-sex marriage itself, via a federal constitutional amendment stating that “Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 08, 2009 11:30 PM | Send

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