Asian immigrant lives in America for 20 years, doesn’t learn English, and it’s America’s fault

The sister of the Binghamton mass murderer Jiverly Wong spoke on the Today program today. She said, “I can see he was very depressed from losing his job, very frustrated from his English speaking skill,” but she had no idea that he was near exploding.

Frustrated from his English speaking skill? Wong, who was 42, came to the United States in the late 1980s. He had lived here his entire adult life, and he still couldn’t speak English? In fact, the story says that “people”—presumably his co-workers—made fun of him at a factory from which he was recently laid off. His co-workers would undoubtedly have been immigrants, too. So Wong’s English was so bad that other immigrants made fun of him. Is that why he attacked an immigration center?

Whatever the specifics, the pattern is familiar. A mass immigration of tens of millions of people will include many people who never make the adjustment, who always feel out of it and at the bottom of the rung, and who start nursing bitter vengefulness against the society that took them in.

Yet the inevitable cost of mass immigration, especially mass non-European immigration, in resentment, violence, and death—from crime, murder, and auto accidents—is never discussed when Congress debates immigration.

Not only that, but the constant implication in the news stories is that Wong’s feeling of being “degraded” by his lack of English ability is America’s fault. A self-respecting country would never put up with this. But of course a self-respecting country would never have let in so many racially and culturally diverse immigrants in the first place.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 06, 2009 06:56 PM | Send

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