Free speech anti-Semitic libertarians for Nazism! Nazis for free speech!

VFR reader Gintas has been keeping up with the exterminationist anti-Semitic website Majority Rights and its star contributor of the moment, J. Richards, who is so ultra exterminationist anti-Semitic that other MR commenters have accused him of being a Jewish psy-ops agent sent to discredit respectable exterminationist anti-Semitism.

The logic of J. Richards’s reply to his critics takes us deep into—what? The extreme anti-Semitic equivalent of the Soviet Communist Party under Stalin? J. Richards’s notion that it’s good that other anti-Semites suspect him of being a Jewish psy-ops agent somehow reminds me of the protaganist of Arthur Koestler’s Darkness at Noon, who, falsely accused by Stalin of betraying Stalin, gladly goes to his execution despite his innocence, since his (unjust) death will help the revered leader. When the Jewish conspiracy occupies every molecule of the universe, you just can’t be too suspicious … even of yourself.

Posted by J Richards on April 03, 2009, 02:51 AM | #

Am I a Jewish psyops agent?

Anyone who wonders about this possibility is on the right track. Given my arguments, anyone who suspects me of being a Jew or an agent of the Jews will surely be skeptical of all other people claiming to be exposing Jewish/Zionist problem behaviors. This is healthy skepticism that is extremely important. Jews have too much at stake and without a shred of evidence one can rest assured that many people exposing Jews are Jews or their agents trying to minimize damage and protect the Jewish crime network at large.

The Islam critic Fjordman then posted a comment:

Hello from Fjordman. This is the first, last and only time that I will ever write a comment on Majority Rights. I notice that you have listed The Brussels Journal and the Gates of Vienna blog among your links. I publish on both of these websites and I do not want to be associated with Majority Rights in any way, not even indirectly. I will hereby request that you remove these websites from your links. We have nothing in common. Your pathological Jew hatred will discredit any serious movement dedicated to the preservation of European civilization. And no, this isn’t about the fact that there are many liberal Jews. I see even Lawrence Auster is attacked here, and he has to be one of the least liberal persons on the planet with a Jewish background. This is thus about hating Jews for the sake of hating Jews, nothing else. Given the Nazi-like nature of some of the statements posted here, I’m not sure if everyone here is able to grasp the fact that the Nazis seriously wounded European civilization, or that Adolf Hitler is probably the one person in history who has done the most to destroy the white race.


J Richards answered:


You pathetic fool, you don’t have control over who links to your websites and it’s for this reason that your work cannot be associated with that of people who link to your websites. The only way you could be associated with majorityrights is if you linked to it as a website that you endorse or recommend.

There’s absolutely no pathological Jew hatred here, not even hatred. The right term is disgust that is fully rational and for reasons that I’m positive you won’t acknowledge let alone discuss.

You must also understand that no one at majorityrights is as ‘extreme’ about Jews as I am and that my stances are not majorityrights stances. This website is owned by Guessedworker and he strongly disagrees with many of my stances on Jews, but he respects freedom of speech. The one stance that can be called the majorityrights stance is the preservation of European civilization, which accords 100% with your own. Majorityrights is a discussion site about how to go about the matter of the preservation of European civilization and its enhancement. Naturally, there will be much disagreement about the methodologies and mechanisms.

See the light brother. The Jews have seriously wounded European civilization; the Nazis were trying to protect it. Jews continue to bleed Europa and pour salt on her festering wounds.

- end of initial entry -

Dimitri K. writes:

That was a great notice of yours: the guy wants even himself to be eradicated in the name of purity. Doesn’t that demonstrate that his real goal is actually self-destruction?

LA replies:

J. Richards is not actually saying that he himself should be eliminated as a Jewish agent. He’s saying that all anti-Semites, particularly the more extreme ones, should be suspected of being Jewish agents, because many of them in fact are Jewish agents. He’s saying that the only way not to be fooled by the Jews is to suspect all anti-Semites, including himself, of being agents. He’s not saying that he himself should actually be considered an agent and kicked out of the movement or eliminated, or whatever it is that the anti-Semites do to a Jewish agent.

But still, once you have that level of mutual suspicion within a movement, how do you function as a movement? If David Duke and the Holocaust denier Mark Weber and even the people at Stormfront are Jewish agents, then how many anti-Semites are left who are not Jewish agents?

A couple of times I’ve quoted Bob Dylan’s 1962 song,”Talking John Birch Paranoid Blues,” to send up Charles Johnson’s ever burgeoning suspicions of ubiquitous Euro-fascists, but here are verses from the song that are directly relevant to J. Richards:

Well, I investigated all the books in the library,
Ninety percent of ‘em gotta be burned away.
I investigated all the people that I know,
Ninety-eight percent of them gotta go.
The other two percent are fellow John Birchers … just like me.

Well, I finally started thinking straight
When I run outa things to investigate.
Couldn’t imagine doing anything else,
So now I’m sittin’ home investigatin’ myself!
Hope I don’t find out nothin’ … hmm, great God!

April 5

Dimitri K. writes:

Though not exactly the same, it somehow resembles the (in)famous prediction of Stalin. He claimed that as the society is approaching Communism, the number of enemies of Communism will be growing. You may guess that when Communism is finally reached, the number of its friends will go down to zero. And because all its enemies must have been exterminated, nobody will remain alive. The last remaining Communist will have to kill himself in order to achieve the final goal of building Communism.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 04, 2009 01:23 AM | Send

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