Who are the Men in Black?

Dimitri K. writes:

If you find my thoughts on “Star Wars” interesting, I have another observation, regarding “Men in Black.” Here I am not so sure, because there was only a hint, whereas in “Star War” it was a clear demonstration.

“Men in Black” is about how a regular, gun-bearing white farmer gets infected by “bugs,” and becomes dangerous. In Russian, having bugs in one’s head means being mad.

There is a special department to deal with bugs. They are called “Men in Black.” Nobody knows about their work, and they are very lonely but powerful. They also have a special divice, which can control the memory of any person.

So, who are those powerful but lonely guys, I asked myself. And it seems to me, I found the answer. They are movie producers! Nobody understands how they control our minds.They cannot share their experience with other people. But they are on duty, watching that no white guy gets any dangerous bugs in his head.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 01, 2009 01:14 PM | Send

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