French schools as a deadly disaster area

This cartoon from François Desouche, reproduced at Galliawatch, concerns a plan to give financial incentives to teachers to get them to work in “sensitive” schools. France opened itself to Muslims and other unassimilables, and now large parts of France have become toxic and dangerous—to the French. And does a single person in the French establishment recognize the nature and the cause of the problem France has brought upon itself? Pas du tout.

“I’m not afraid, I’m not afraid. Ready, set, go!”

Tiberge quotes some of the readers’ comments from the Figaro article about the cartoon:

  • You could also offer them coupons for bullet-proof vests, or glass for their car windows, or free sessions with a shrink, or hospital stays with all expenses paid.

  • Ten euros a day for the privilege of being beaten up, spat upon, insulted, having one’s tires slashed, threatened, thrashed, stabbed, and never saying a word, keeping a smile on your face, otherwise you’ll end up at the police station or worse… (Minister of Education) Darcos is right to want to eliminate the practical courses in the teacher-training programs. In today’s circumstances, there is absolutely no reason for anyone to learn how to teach. How much does an apprenticeship as a commando cost?

  • How about just replacing teachers with army veterans who served in overseas territories or in the Foreign Legion. Our valorous veterans know more than enough to be able to teach something to the scumbags in the ghettoes….

  • Surprising, isn’t it? They spend so much time bragging to us about the “richness” of these multicultural departments, it’s surprising the State has to provide a financial incentive to teachers to experience from within the joys and the customs of this much-praised society.

- end of initial entry -

March 30

Charles T. writes:

I am surprised the cartoon was published in the first place. It is telling an ugly truth about multiculturalism. According to liberal orthodoxy, this is heresy.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 29, 2009 11:57 PM | Send

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