Syria says Iraqi refugees to move to Europe and U.S.

Maureen C. writes:

Well, it’s happening—the same nonsense that follows all our foreign busybody wars—the wars we fight supposedly to protect U.S. interests but are, in fact, contrary to U.S. interests. Following the inevitable cringing withdrawal that seems to follow every overseas U.S. engagement, the pseudo-warriors and bleeding hearts are now exculpating their guilt by importing thousands of Muslim so-called friends into the U.S. We can thank our dainty diplomats and crass politicians, especially State Department’s Refugee Committee, for this nonsense, which adds to the sum of Constitution-hating, women-hating Muslims in the U.S. As for Europe, one would think they should know better by now.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 28, 2009 01:09 PM | Send

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