Free the Sharks!

Karl D. writes:

Have you heard about the recent revival of West Side Story on Broadway? This classic piece of American musical theatre has now been transformed in order to be more “inclusive” and to put the “Jets” and “Sharks” on an “equal playing field”. Whatever that means. Several scenes and songs are being done entirely in Spanish. On the bright side, this revival is bombing. Check out these two stomach churning reviews (here and here) from the Guardian UK.

LA replies:

I thought the Jets and the Sharks were already on an equal playing field. But from the point of view of multiculturalism, equality, as most people think of it, is not equality. So long as there is a common normative world, e.g., some kind of recognizable America where people speak English, then that normative world is being privileged over other worlds, and such inequality must be ended
Karl D. replies:

I suppose the “equal footing” was because the Sharks much like the Palestinians were victims of a “disproportionate response” from those evil white Irishmen. This quote is very telling from the Guardian:

“Laurents has darkened several scenes, notably the confrontation between Maria’s friend Anita, played with terrific raw power by Karen Olivo, and the Jets in which, in the new version, she is brutally attacked.”

In the past Anita was pushed around. Now she is “brutally attacked” (probably raped, but they don’t say so) by those evil, evil white men. They did everything but put jackboots and SS chevrons on the Jets. Disgusting and transparent. And they wonder why it is bombing. Most of the audience are tourists. And where do those tourists come from? Middle America. Who wants to be preached at and insulted on vacation? Sigh. The business savvy of the liberal never ceases to amaze.

LA replies:

“Who wants to be preached at and insulted on vacation? Sigh. The business savvy of the liberal never ceases to amaze.”

Well, what does prime time televison consist of, but presenting white men as villains and nerds and blacks and white women as omnicomepent heroes? And apparently the television industry is doing well, or at least surviving. So an awful lot of middle American whites must watch this white-demonizing “entertainment.” Why shouldn’t they enjoy the same on Broadway?

Karl D. replies:

In response to your response. All very true. I do think however that one’s mindset on vacation is a little different and expects a little more. Especially when laying out over $100 per ticket for a show. I might be totally wrong. Maybe the reason the show is bombing is because of the economy in general. Broadway itself has been showing bad numbers. But I think the worm is starting to turn. Like you said prior to the election. I think it was something to the effect of “If Obama wins we win.” As Liberals become more brazen I think people are finally getting fed up with all the nonsense. I have nothing to back this up. But it is just a feeling that I get.

LA replies:

From your mouth to God’s ears.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 24, 2009 02:25 PM | Send

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