The left attacks the pope for … being Catholic

Tiberge at The Brussels Journal has a sensible response to the current (the latest) leftist campaign against the pope, over his statement, “You cannot resolve the problem of AIDS with contraceptives. On the contrary, their use aggravates the problem.” As she points out, what do people expect the pope to say: unlimited copulation and anal sodomy are good, and contraceptives (prophylactics) make such unlimited copulation and anal sodomy “safe,” and therefore contraceptives are a blessing, even though they empower the very activity that causes AIDS?

Apparently the left is also still attacking the pope’s lifting of excommunication against four bishops of the breakaway Society of St. Pius X including the anti-Semitic crackpot Bishop John Williamson, and Tiberge references two entries at VFR from early February on that matter: Vincent Chiarellos’s comment, and my preceding article, which puts several aspects of the issue in perspective. I conclude on a criticism of a certain type of relativism that is very common today: “Balance between the respective grievances and sins of different groups must not be balance for the sake of balance; it also has to be true.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 24, 2009 08:51 AM | Send

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