British authorities fear Bombai-style attack in London

This is from a report in the Telegraph:

British luxury hotels are vulnerable to Mumbai-style attacks, senior anti-terrorist officers are warning…. Security services officials are also judging the threat against the UK to be at the “severe end of severe”, just days before the G20 summit in London is due to begin…senior counter-terrorism officers are highly concerned about the possibility of attacks by terrorists using automatic weapons …

The Telegraph was linked at, with the following comment by the editor, who I assume is Lucianne herself:

Due to the uncontrolled influx of Muslims and lack of control of the organization of anti-British activities in mosques across their nation IMO Britain is no longer a safe place for world leaders to meet. Their regular police force is next to useless and they don’t have enough officers regularly armed and proficient. Their population has been reduced to sheep unable to defend themselves. IMO it’s a miracle that they haven’t had successful attacks recently

Uncontrolled influx of Muslims? Has the mother of Jonah Goldberg just said that the immigration of Muslims is a problem, and that it has something to do with the never-ending threat of Muslim terrorist attacks in the West?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 23, 2009 10:51 AM | Send

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