Illegal alien kills his white American girlfriend; and, should we avoid eating in restaurants that might be employing illegal aliens?

Adela G. writes:

Recently, a suspected illegal alien (three guesses as to his country of origin) allegedly killed two people, the unwed white American mother of his child and her friend, here in Hannibal.

This article gives the details I just mentioned.

A second article, in true liberal fashion, mentions the suspect’s alleged illegal alien status but manages to maintain the focus on domestic violence and downplay to the extent possible his reputed illegal status. I infer that this white girl would have picked either a black or white American man as her abuser had she not met this illegal Hispanic. Still, she might have survived and at the very least, our taxes in the form of subsidized housing, jail costs, etc. would have been going to one of our own.

This happened only 2 1/2 miles from my house. It has all the hallmarks I associate with illegal immigration. It’s also evidence of the spread into white culture of social pathologies found in all cultures but generally more prevalent and considered normal in black and Hispanic cultures: domestic violence, repeated brushes with the law, spotty employment record, illegitimacy, use of tax-funded government housing for able-bodies adults. This spread of social ills is helped immeasurably by the increasing willingness, even eagerness, of white American females to choose non-white partners (whether or no the latter are also American).

On a personal note, my husband and I routinely pass by the Mexican restaurant at which the suspect worked. My husband has suggested eating there but I’ve always refused, on the presumption that it probably employs illegals. He suggested again we try it just a few weeks ago and I said, “The closest I’m willing to come to eating Mexican now is a visit to Taco Bell.” I also refuse to eat again at a local Chinese place since I noticed a Hispanic bus boy. If only more people would boycott such places, as I do.

Even here in the American heartland, we now experience the ugly effects of illegal immigration.

LA replies:

If you refuse to eat at any restaurant that you think may employ an illegal, you may be eliminating an awful lot of restaurants. In New York City, Hispanics, particularly Mexicans, work in every type—every nationality—of restaurant. For example, at a Japanese style place I went to a while back, it was a Mexican who was preparing the food. An acquaintance joked that in New York City all cuisine is Mexican cuisine. Therefore avoiding restaurants where there might be illegals working would mean not eating out at all.

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Robert B. writes:

“Therefore avoiding restaurants where there might be illegals working would mean not eating out at all.”

You would be advised, for your health, to boycott them as well. I asked my physician if he thought I was being paranoid about it and he said, “No, not nowadays.” He went on to explain all of the health hazards that go along with illegal immigration and the fact that roughly seven percent of them carry some disease. This information is available at the CDC website. There are only a handful of restaurants that I eat it here now. But, then again, I almost never get sick anymore—flu, colds, food poisoning—none of it. And I believe I am healthier as a result, all around.

Mark Jaws writes:

Mark Jaws suggests that Americans boycott ALL of those restaurants which hire illegal aliens. By simple math, even if there are only three Hispanics working there, there is a great likelihood that AT LEAST ONE is an illegal alien. Restaurants employ a high amount of illegals and until restauranteurs can assure me their workforce is legal, I stay away. Mark and Lady Jaws think our country is worth keeping, so we make the sacrifice. Either we eat at home (it’s healthier and cheaper) or we participate in pot lucks at church or in the home of one of our conservative friends, or we eat out at a white owned and white staffed restaurant. There are still plenty of such family joints. If the Founding Fathers could put it all on the line, then we can sacrifice convenience.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 16, 2009 12:49 PM | Send

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