One in five men in Britain say it’s ok to hit women, papers conceal race factor

Philip M. writes from England (March 10):

Most of Britain’s papers are going with the story that up to one in five men in Britain agree with hitting women in certain circumstances.

Although the government minister for London Tony McNulty suspiciously felt the need to say “”Violence against women takes many different forms and affects women of all ages and backgrounds,” and although none of the articles mention race, it should be obvious that Britain’s black and Muslim third-world minorities are contributing strongly to these statistics. Because this is not allowed to be mentioned, white British men will be slandered along with the woman-hitting ethnic minorities for the sake of smothering examples of race differences, and keeping up the appearance of racial harmony.

The beating by the black boyfriend of the pop star Rihanna, which included biting, is an example of the stark racial differences on this subject. Another rapper (or whatever he is), Kanye West, called for the boyfriend, Chris Brown (who is apparently famous himself), to be given another chance. This is even though the savage and unprovoked attack included biting his own girlfriend. No way would there be calls for forgiveness if they had been a white couple. You can almost sense the media embarrassment when these savage incidents turn out to be perpetrated by blacks.

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Bob N. writes:

How do you know it’s not an LGBT male (or female) that believes it’s acceptable to strike their “bitch”? It’s not always about race. You of all people ought to recognize neurotic people do stupid things.

LA replies:

But a homosexual man wouldn’t have a woman to hit. The issue wouldn’t come up.

Bob N. replies:

Not true. A bisexual man definitely would strike a woman.

LA replies:

It’s funny that you criticized Philip for jumping to conclusions that are speculative, given that your idea is far more speculative and has nothing backing it up.

We know that male violence against women is vastly more common among blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims than among whites. So it’s a reasonable guess that a disproportionate part of the 20 percent in Britain who approve of violence against women are blacks and Muslims.

But to say that a disproportionate part of the 20 percent in Britain who approve of violence against women are homosexual has no basis at all. It comes out of nowhere.

However, given the still relatively small Muslim and black populations in Britain, most of the 20 percent would still have to be white.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 16, 2009 12:06 PM | Send

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