What’s next? A black liberal in charge of National Review?

The Michael Steele disaster continues, with an interview in GQ in which he called abortion an “individual choice” before incoherently correcting his gaffe by saying, “The states should make that choice. That’s what the choice is. The individual choice rests in the states. Let them decide.”

The man’s an idiot. “Choice,” of course, is the motto of those who favor complete freedom of abortion, which was achieved by the U.S. Supreme Court when it took away the power of the states over abortion. Following the Bristol Palin disaster last September when conservatives eagerly abandoned their opposition to out-of-wedlock pregnancy, it seemed that opposition to abortion was the sole remaining conservative principle in the hollowed-out Republican party. And now Steele undermines that as well.

I knew nothing about Steele before he became the Republican National Committee chairman, but for years had heard his name being bandied about by establishment conservatives: “Michael Steele this, Michael Steele that, one of the rising hopes of the Republican party,” blah blah blah. So much for the judgment of establicons. All they saw was this fool’s dark skin. They must have thought he was a messiah. He got elected chairman of the RNC because he’s black and what does he do? He attacks the Republican party for being anti-black. Sort of like Michelle Obama’s senior paper at Princeton.

* * *

See also, “What America needs to advance its interests abroad: resentful black diplomats.”
Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 13, 2009 11:14 AM | Send

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