The left’s attempt to declare a constitutional amendment … unconstitutional

Here’s the good news, from yesterday’s New York Times:

SAN FRANCISCO—In a bruising hearing, California’s Supreme Court justices seemed ready on Thursday to uphold the ban on same-sex marriage that was passed by the state’s voters in November.

Any other outcome than the upholding of Proposition 8 would mean that self-government in America is officially dead. It would mean that the people of a state do not even have the right to form and amend their own constitution, since a “higher” law, a law of cosmic equality, a law made and enforced by judges, supersedes even a constitution made by the people.

However, there’s also bad news, which is that the 18,000 couples who were “married” before Proposition 8 was passed last November may have their substantive “rights” affirmed.

(Also, see my November 2008 article, “The suit to overturn Proposition 8 reveals the true goal of liberalism—the overthrow of democracy,” a critique of an article by law professor Kermit Roosevelt. Two VFR readers also had an exchange with Roosevelt.)

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 07, 2009 11:02 AM | Send

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