What the judge said

Jacob M. writes:

Here’s an article on the Vince Li judgment which contains a fuller quotation from the judge than the one you linked:

“He did not appreciate the act he committed was morally wrong. He believed he was acting in self defence and that he had been commanded by God to do so.”

Sound familiar? Hmm, what other group do we know of who kills people, believing that the killings are not morally wrong, that they are commanded by God to kill, and that by killing people unprovoked they are actually acting in self-defense? Perhaps this explains why Western liberals don’t believe in defending ourselves against jihadists. They believe their actions are morally justified, so they can’t have done anything wrong.

LA replies:

Strange, he’s not exactly saying that Li was insane or irrational or unable to understand the wrong nature of what he was doing. He’s almost saying that Li had a DIFFERENT, though internally coherent, view of what he was doing. It sounds less like the insanity defense than the multiculturalism defense!

Jacob replies:
Right, I can see the high school social studies textbooks now: “In some cultures it’s considered OK to saw off someone’s head with a knife and then eat pieces of his/her face; in other cultures, this would be frowned upon. In order to thrive in today’s diverse, global society, it’s important that we all understand, value, and celebrate our differences.”

Ben W. writes:

When there is no God, there is no evil.

When there is no God, we are all Canadians.

March 7

Ken Hechtman writes:

You write:

“Strange, he’s not exactly saying that Li was insane or irrational or unable to understand the wrong nature of what he was doing. He’s almost saying that Li had a DIFFERENT, though internally coherent, view of what he was doing. It sounds less like the insanity defense than the multiculturalism defense!”

This is the thing about schizophrenics. Their delusions are ALWAYS internally consistent. That’s why you can’t argue with them. They always have an answer and it’s always logical within their delusional frame of reference.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 06, 2009 01:09 PM | Send

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