The Orwellian controllers have got us in their grip, what can we do about it?

An interesting and disturbing discussion at Mangan’s Miscellany on the ubiquitous racial messaging in TV ads, with their wildly disproportionate representation of blacks.

As I said in a comment, beyond the specific phenomenon of racially charged, multicultural, anti-white male ads, the larger problem is that our society, or rather the media, which are the representation of our society, are completely under the thumb of the liberal mind-controllers—vast impersonal forces that are outside our reach and that view us as mere material to be shaped by them for their purposes. Paul Gottfried is always talking about the managerial regime under which we live. Does he, does anyone, have any notion of how this managerial regime could be defeated?

I sent my question to Mr. Gottfried, he replied, and I’ve posted it at Mangan’s.

- end of initial entry -

March 2

LL writes:

Something I find even more irksome than black overrepresentation in print and television advertising is the use of obvious ESL speakers in radio advertising. Ostensibly “conservative” talk radio is awash in commercials in which at least one of the actors speaks with a pronounced foreign (usually Hispanic) accent. Not surprisingly, many of these commercials are for healthcare plans and other services that would be of especial interest to a minority/immigrant audience. It’s win-win: the company doing the advertising gets to appeal to an “under-served” population while simultaneously inculcating the rest of us to accept (nay, embrace!) the growing presence of foreign nationals in our midst. (One ad in particular galled me to no end: a dopey-voiced white man playing chess with what sounded to be a Hispanic, who was beating the pants off him at the game while simultaneously lecturing him about the attributes of his health plan. “How do you know all this?” asks the white. “I’m smart!” the Hispanic pertly replies, before declining to play another game because he habitually trounces his opponent and doesn’t want to humiliate him (or somesuch).

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 01, 2009 08:01 PM | Send

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