The state of CPAC

A reader writes:

At the CPAC conference this coming week, there is nothing on multiculturalism, much less on race, etc. One panel only on immigration.

Note the typical groupie-ness reflected in this panel on Saturday:

God and Man at CPAC: The Enduring Legacy of William F. Buckley
Congressional B
Sponsored by The Intercollegiate Studies Institute
Panelists: James Panero, The New Criterion; Matthew Continetti, The Weekly Standard; Daniel McCarthy, The American Conservative;

Moderator: Mark Henrie, Intercollegiate Studies Institute
Free books and journals to those in attendance
Open to All Attendees

LA replies:

I don’t see anything on immigration, unless you mean the panel on “building the Hispanic conservative coalition,” with three Hispanic speakers, whose message will probably be that Republicans must stop opposing illegal immigration if they want to have a chance of increasing their support among Hispanics. The unspoken premise of which is that Hispanics demand the illegal immigration of their co-ethnics. Meaning that the “conservative” Hispanics, whom conservatives must strive to win over, are anti-Americans and supporters of the Mexican invasion and conquest of America. And not a single person at that huge conference will point this out.

As for the lack of conservative substance seen in the program, it’s mostly a “how to” oriented conference. However, there is a panel on “Timeless principles, new challenges; the future of the conservative movement.” Of the three speakers one is Steven Moore, who of course is not a conservative at all but a Cato Institute libertarian. Another member of the panel is Bay Buchanan. I have nothing against Bay Buchanan, but is she a thinker who has much to say about conservative principles? Was this the best they could do? Or was it about getting a woman on the panel?


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Terry Morris writes:

You’re not going to get anything on race and multiculturalism with people like Grover Norquist on the board of CPAC.

Alex K. writes:

Here’s the immigration panel:

9:45 Legal Immigration: Defending the Constitution and Assimilation Ambassador Ballroom
Mark Krikorian, Center for Immigration Studies
Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch
Helen Krieble, Vernon K. Krieble Foundation

Moderator: Grover Norquist, Americans for Tax Reform

LA replies:

Great. They have an open borders ideologue and ally of Muslims chairing the panel.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 21, 2009 09:03 AM | Send

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