(Semi)-unhinged conservatives?

On one hand, I did say that a great advantage of an Obama presidency would be that the establishment “conservatives” would for once be criticizing a liberal (Democratic) president instead of cheering and defending a liberal (Republican) president. And that is certainly happening. On the other hand, the conservative commentariat’s hostility to Obama is so extreme that the reader doesn’t know if their statements about him are reliable. They don’t just criticize him, they throw the rhetorical kitchen sink and a long list of his sins at him every time they speak, as Victor Hanson does here. They’re coming across a bit like the liberal media under Bush. If they automatically attack Obama for everything, out of what seems like sheer partisanship, then nothing they say about him is believable. I strongly recommend that the establicons tone down their verbal slings and stick to reasoned, sustainable criticism.

- end of initial entry -

David B. writes:

Re, “(Semi)-unhinged conservatives?” I would again like to point out that things would have been far worse if McCain had won. The dance we had with Bush for eight years would be even worse. The liberals would hate McCain for beating Obama while McCain lurched farther and farther left to appease them. The more the MSM criticized him, the farther left McCain would go.

LA writes:

Here are L-dotters cheering Hanson’s article. They already feel that Obama’s finished, and they are whooping it up. This is so immature. Do they really think that Obama has no more moves, that he lacks the ability to recover from some slips like this? Do they not remember Clinton’s fiascos in his early months, and how he recovered? Do they not remember their own slavering eagerness in September 1998 after they heard that Clinton had blown up in the grand jury and that the tape of it when shown on TV would destroy him? But he didn’t blow up, it was a rumor, or even a fiendishly clever plant by the Clintonites; and when the tape was played and the expected self-destruction of Clinton failed to materialize, at that moment the wind of opinion shifted decisively in Clinton’s favor and it was clear he would survive. But the conservatives never learn; and so they start drooling at each report of Obama’s troubles. They should be called Pavlov-cons. Even Powerline—the Grey Lady of the conservative blogosphere—is eagerly posting each poll showing each drop of a couple of points in Obama’s popularity, as if to say, this is it, it’s over, Obama is dead meat. Please. He’s two weeks into his presidency. To use an expression I strongly dislike and have never used before: Get a life.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 04, 2009 09:41 AM | Send

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