It’s called immigration, John, perhaps you’ve heard of it?

I’ve always felt that John of Powerline was a bit slow upstairs, but this item really brings me up short. He reports on a demonstration at the Minnesota state capital in St. Paul involving supporters of Hamas and Fatah, the latter of whom were criticized by the former for not being radical enough. There’s also a video of the confrontation.

Then John says this:

How did Minnesota get to the point where its state capitol can become an outpost of a terrorist organization from the Middle East? Until a few years ago, I wouldn’t have believed it possible.

How? How did Mideast Muslims including Palestinians come to be in the United States in large numbers? How did supporters of Hamas come to be in Minnesota? He doesn’t know? He has no idea? He hasn’t noticed that America’s ethnic composition has been changing just a tad over the last 30 to 40 years? He’s not aware that America has a non-discriminatory immigration policy, allowing people to come to this country from every country on earth, regardless of whether they have anything in common with us or not, regardless of whether they even like us or not? I’m actually stunned, trying to come up with a response to John’s remark. We’ve all heard of absolute zero. I think John has just shown us the absolute zero of intellect. There are statements so stupid it’s not possible to say anything intelligent about them.

- end of initial entry -

N., who wrote to me about the Powerine item literally a second after I posted this entry, writes:

Your comment sums it up. I was speechless.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 02, 2009 11:48 PM | Send

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