Striking back at an entitled immigrant who thinks he owns America

Dennis Mangan says he’s steamed, but, if so, it’s in a good way. He refutes a Korean-American commenter who feels that Americans are obligated to turn their country over to immigrants, but that Koreans should not turn their country over to immigrants.

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Terry Morris writes:

I scanned fairly rapidly through the comments, but I noticed that the propoents for a “healthy” (my word derived from their arguments) immigration policy, i.e., mass immigration of high-intelligence, hard working, industrious third-worlders, center their arguments around just that while they ignore other vital aspects of what used to be American culture and tradition. If hard work (a term way overused by immigration enthusiasts in my opinion), or industriousness were all there were to keeping America strong and viable, then I might join in their chorus. But it’s not just about hard work, or intelligence, or industriousness. It’s about family, and culture, and tradition; about a common faith, a common heritage, common goals, likes and dislikes, and it’s about maintaining a form of government which recognizes and respects all of these.

From whence do these intelligent, hard-wroking, industrious third-worlders derive their heritage of nation-making?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 04, 2009 03:52 PM | Send

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