Recommended article

It’s already rolled down the page a bit, so be sure not to miss “Horowitz’s total sell-out to the principle of multiculturalism.” As someone who has been closely, even obsessively, following the twists and turns of the neoconservatives on the interrelated issues of immigration, race, and multiculturalism for the last 19 years (hey, in America everyone has a right to his own White Whale), I can tell you that this is the most extraordinary and revealing development on the neocon “right” that I have seen.

- end of initial entry -

Gintas writes:

“in America everyone has a right to his own White Whale”

That’s really funny, funny enough that I’m filing it away in my memory to reuse as needed.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 23, 2009 09:35 PM | Send

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