Taki’s downward slide

Dennis Mangan writes at his website:

Taki’s magazine has become a mess of anti-Semitism lately, and I use that word advisedly, since it’s a word that’s abused like “racist” is abused. Taki himself has written a couple of articles that deny that Israel has a right to defend itself. A war breaks out, one of many now going on around the world, and it seems that because Jews are involved Taki must weigh in against them. Over 5 million people have been killed in the Congo in the past decade, yet I doubt whether Taki or Raimondo have had much to say about them. Of course, if it had been Israelis fighting in the Congo, interest would have been piqued.

Mangan also quotes a reader who goes after Taki writer Justin Raimondo for his vulgar attacks on people.

This entry is entitled “Taki’s downward slide.” But how can we speak of the downward progress of a website that from its inception has included a low, hate-filled character like Raimondo?

- end of initial entry -

LA to Dennis Mangan:

I quoted your comment on Taki. Interesting that we both felt he passed a line with his recent comments.

However, I’ve never read him much, and maybe he’s said similar things before.

Dennis Mangan replies:

Thanks for that. I had written and self-rejected several posts on the topic of the current Gaza conflict. When the fighting started, I thought that to any objective observer it had to look odd that Israel was now on the front page of the NY Times and the usual editorial writers were inveighing against it. Another fairly obvious thing is that many so-called conservatives, like Taki for instance, are suddenly very concerned about Palestinians, the only non-Western group of people for whom they seem to have such tender feelings. Hmmm, why could that be?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 13, 2009 11:09 AM | Send

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