Zmirak on Israel

Dan R. writes:

John Zmirak is responding to Gottfried at Takimag. Considering where it’s being published, not too bad, but it stretches credulity to suggest that the Israelis need to try a two-state solution to see if coexistence with the Palestinians is workable.

LA replies:

That’s quintessential Zmirak! He’s never anti-Israel, never part of the evil aspect of paleoconservatism, he rejects the evil (and anti-Semitic) paleocon notion that Israel must be made to pay for the sins of American neocons; yet, in his desire to stay on good terms with his fellow paleocons, he says that the insane two-state solution must be tried, and only if it is tried and fails, only if Israel puts itself in a vastly more vulnerable posture than ever and is then attacked, “then it’s time for harsher measures on Israel’s part, akin to our removal of the Apaches. God forbid it come to that.”

So, Zmirak has to twist to get there, but in the end he comes out, potentially, in favor of transfer—which, from the point of view of the survival and safety of Israel, is the ONLY solution to the Israel-Arab conflict. (Of course, from the point of view of the Arabs, the ONLY solution to the Israel-Arab conflict is the elimination of Israel.) See Robert Locke’s ground-breaking 2003 article on how transfer could be effected.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 06, 2009 02:16 PM | Send

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