The truth about this “war”

The two previous entries (here and here) lead us to the real truth of the Gaza “war.”

The truth is that Israel’s government is aligned with Israel’s demonizers. Israel launches a “war,” allowing the international anti-Israel movement to bash Israel as a horrible oppressor. The war, of course, is unserious, its real purpose being not to defeat Hamas or end its control of Gaza, but to convince security-minded Israelis that it is safe to go forward with a two-state solution, even as what the war actually leads to is Israeli concessions to Hamas and the EU that solidify Hamas control of Gaza and give the EU a role in Israel’s security. At the same time, the increased international hatred and isolation of Israel triggered by its phony display of strength against Hamas intensify the Israelis’ feelings that they are guilty for existing and move them toward acquiescence in the two-state solution.

Israel’s leaders—Olmert, Livni, and Barak—seek the surrender of Israel to the Arabs in the form of Israeli acceptance of a Palestinian state. The Gaza “war” is instrumental in achieving this goal.

- end of initial entry -

EK writes:

SORRY TO SAY THAT YOU ARE ON TARGET AGAIN (at least someone is hitting the right target).

Until tonight Israel was busy bombing empty buildings and using up their ammunition while the northern enemies wait to unleash their thousands of missiles for which there is no defense.

The whole thing is a dog & pony show—until tonight which is to be watched as wars do get out of hand.

LA writes:

Here is the conventional pro-Israel view, from The L-dotters all think that Israel under the leadership of Ehud Olmert (remember Ehud Olmert? He’s still the prime minister) is waging a great war aiming at total victory over Hamas. Of course, the same people believe that George W. Bush has been leading America in a war against militant Islam.

The patriotic ones have an inexhaustible capacity to fooled by liberals. You just give them the appearance of war, the appearance of legitimate national defense, and their patriotic instincts kick in and they become very excited and rah-rah and even bloodthirsty and they fail to see that this supposed war is not a war.

Here’s a sampling of their comments. See how these people actually believe that Israel—Israel under the war cabinet of Olmert, Livni, and Barak!—is in process of “wiping out” its enemies in Gaza.

Reply 1—Posted by: ex-Democrat, 1/3/2009 11:41:25 AM

“defiance of international calls for it to cease such actions”

Calls from whom? Terrorists and european appeasers?

We are DONE with the world’s socialist, anti-israel (really, it’s pro-islam/nazism/marxism media) wankers. They…are…the…enemy.

Let’s roll.

Reply 2—Posted by: BadgerBill, 1/3/2009 11:48:18 AM

Fingers in ears, lalalalalalala….

Reply 3—Posted by: coldoc, 1/3/2009 12:05:48 PM

kill them all, let god sort them out. Something we learned from………Hamas, hezbollah, Al Quaeda.

Reply 4—Posted by: Talk2, 1/3/2009 12:28:38 PM

The world watched and said nothing while Hamas sent thousands of rockets into Israel. Israel did what any country would do and retaliated. The world is outraged that Israel retaliated. Well, here’s one person who hopes liberals in Israel will not put a stop to this response until Hamas cries UNCLE.

Reply 5—Posted by: gandolphxx, 1/3/2009 12:38:55 PM

By all means assist the Palis that desire matyrdom to their goal along with all of the Hamas nitwits and their weapons.

Reply 6—Posted by: RKfree2b, 1/3/2009 1:06:14 PM

Go Israel. Wipe them out.

All these hypocritical objectors can go pound sand!

Where were they when Hamas was killing innocent Israeli women and children?

Israel has been more than willing to seek peace in non-violent ways, respecting the peace process, while Hamas has not.

That time is over. Stand firm…wipe them out. Do not stop until it’s done.

Reply 7—Posted by: Beagle, 1/3/2009 1:20:09 PM

To IDF: surround Gaza City, let those who want food, medicine and shelter move into areas surrounded by barbed wire, give those folks a cot and a Koran, then give 48 hours warning before razing the city to the ground. Repeat elsewhere as necessary. That ought to get their attention.

Reply 8—Posted by: The Chairman, 1/3/2009 1:52:54 PM

Hamas has been in a declared all-out war with Israel. Israel is fully justified in proceeding into its Gaza district, and terminating with extreme prejudice all Hamas members it can find. Since Hamas does not follow the Geneva convention Israel need not do so either. When the Hamas leadership is eliminated, and their younger lieutenants, maybe then they’ll stop firing rockets ar Israel.

Israel should then work aggressively to clear out the Gazaa district of all Palis and send them elsewhere in the gigantic Arab/Muslim lands.

Reply 9—Posted by: Douglas DC, 1/3/2009 2:01:09 PM

The “King of Battle” speaks.The Israelis know exactly what they are doing.The world hates them anyway.They know it.So what’s wrong with a

little Cockroach-Hamas- extermination..?

Reply 10—Posted by: Ida Lil, 1/3/2009 2:39:38 PM

Who are the brave Hamas leaders hiding from—Israel or the Pals who are willing to sacrifice them.

Can any army let known a terrorist one follow such cowards?

The Pals could stop this battle by dragging them all out and celebrate a public lynching.

Reply 11—Posted by: romanesq, 1/3/2009 2:56:08 PM

Let the IDF stop the missile launch sites. And ignore those anywhere in the world who demand Israel not defend itself from a terrorist Osama loving group such as Hamas.

January 4

Josefina writes from Argentina:

Mr Auster, I’ve read your last posts about the Israel/Gaza conflict.

I too think Israel is not serious in its methods to defeat her enemies. Or perhaps Israeli leaders want to be serious, but at the same time do not want to be viewed as cruel enemies of human rights to the liberal world, something Israel is not achieving and will never do as we can see, because those aims can’t be combined and trying to do so is unserious.

This conflict can be finished. But the solution I propose is something radical. Something that in the end, which is before 2020, I believe will happen.

It consists in getting the entire Gaza strip’s population out of the Gaza Strip, and relocate it into different countries for it to be absorbed by the local population And then the same with all “Palestinians.” This is something that should have happened when the British left Palestine.

LA replies:

I have never thought specifically about Gaza in these terms, I’m not sure why, maybe because it has seemed a special case. But since October 2000, when the terror intifada began, I have believed and said that the only hope Israel has of surviving in the long run is by removing the Arabs from the lands west of the Jordan. The most thought-out article on how this could be done—perhaps the only article of this nature—was written by Robert Locke in 2003 at Vdare.

A reader writes:

If you were Israel’s PM or DM, what would you do? Or, what would you have done and when would you have done it?

LA replies:

What I’ve said all along. What I’ve been saying since October 2000 when the terror intifada began. The only hope Israel has of surviving in the long run is by removing the Arabs from the lands west of the Jordan. Short of doing that, there is nothing that can “work.”

However, to speak in terms closer to current choices and not my radical plan, I would have long since abrogated the Oslo accords and reasserted Israeli control over the territories. I would deny most Israeli Arabs voting rights.

The politicians offering hope in Israel is Aryeh Eldad, a former IDF general and plastic surgeon who has created a new party, Hatikvah, which opposes any territorial concession to the Palestinians, opposes any state for Palestinians, and says that Israel is for the Jews.

Here is an article about him.

MK Arye Eldad, currently with the soon-to-be-defunct National Union-National Religious Party says he is planning to introduce a package of emergency “anti-Islamization legislation” in the next Knesset to “confront the enemy within and without.”

Eldad, chairman and founder of the Hatikva party, says the legislation would make military or civil service obligatory for both Arab and Jewish citizens, while requiring all citizens to declare their loyalty to Israel “as a Jewish democratic state” as a condition for voting in national elections.

The secular party, according to its Web site, aims “to return redemptive Zionism to the center stage of the Jewish state” and believes that “the Land of Israel is the exclusive inheritance of the Jewish people.”

Watch Eldad on Israel National News

“I am trying to preserve the state of Israel as a Jewish state,” Eldad told The Jerusalem Post Tuesday. “I’m trying to struggle against both a post-Zionist trend and the trend of ‘Islamization’ of some citizens of Israel, who are saying we no longer need a Jewish state and that this should be a binational state of Jews and Muslims.” Anti-Israel Knesset Members are none too pleased. MK Ibrahim Sarsour, head of the United Arab List-Ta’al, said that he and other Arab activists will do everything possible to ensure that Eldad’s “discriminatory” legislation package, if introduced, does not pass. The legislation, Sarsour claims, would lead to the exclusion of the Arab minority from the Israeli system, something the community “will not accept.” But even if it does pass, he said, “we will go on struggling within the limitations of Israeli law by peaceful means, [so] that Israel will be a state of all its citizens, not a Jewish state or a state of the Jewish community” in which Arabs are “simply a passing minority.” Most Arab leaders oppose making military or civilian service mandatory for Israeli Arabs, saying they want to create their own non-state mechanisms to serve their communities. Eldad plans to detail of the legislative package during a public conference he is hosting at the Begin Center in Jerusalem on Sunday, entitled “Facing Jihad.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 03, 2009 10:18 PM | Send

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