Spam attack update

Yesterday I took the day off from calling AT&T’s e-mail support staff in India, because, frankly, working in a convict gang breaking rocks in the hot sun would be more fun and profitable than trying to communicate with those morons. The number of spam e-mails in my main AT&T mailbox is now exactly 10,000. Counting the ones that were deleted (something I gave up doing a couple of days ago), I’ve now received a total of 17,700 spam e-mails, or bounce-back e-mails, or whatever they should be called.

Two days ago they had me send several samples of the spam to their spam team, who, they said, would identify the IP it came from and block that IP. A lot of good that has done—and it took a lot of rock pounding on my part just to get that suggestion from them. Prior to that, they had kept repeating like robots that I should keep checking all the spam in my Mailbox and clicking “report as spam” (a slow and laborious process when there are thousands of e-mails, especially as one does not want to report legitimate e-mails as spam), even though I kept telling them that that was not helping and why it could not help.

By the way, the latest article being sent out under my name and e-mail address is: “Was Albert Einstein an Incestuous Rapist?”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 03, 2009 11:34 AM | Send

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